Wednesday, June 23, 2004

The Kingdom Conflict

Last month, my pastor and I spent 5 weeks reaching on the Kingdom of God using George Ladd's "Gospel of the Kingdom" for our text. It took me two times through the book to start liking it but I highly recommend persevering.

I LOVE LIVING A KINGDOM FOCUSED-LIFE! It explains so much of the bad things that happen along with the good. I'll probably blog on this alot in the coming weeks.

One thought that continues to rock my world is this: Jesus didn't live His life looking for the need or the needy. He didn't look for the sick or the despairing. That stuff existed simply because we live in "this present evil age." They are par for the course.

Instead, Jesus focused on seeking the Father's breaktroughs. Where was the Kingdom coming today? Where was it breaking in?

Consider John 5:19: "Jesus gave them this answer: 'I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.'"

Isn't this exciting!? God's been pursuing us since Genesis 3:15. And we get to play with Him!

What a wonderful adventure each day can be. Father, where are you breaking in today?


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