Friday, May 26, 2006

24/7 Church

This is the kind of church I'd love to have. Church Marketing Sucks: 24/7 Church

So...what are we waiting for?


At 5:50 PM, May 27, 2006, Blogger ??? said...

I accidentally erased something longer and don't have the umph to repost...

In my finer moments I realize that I am to provide that "informal" and "readily accessible" place where God can be found, not (as I often think) by way of some ministry or building, but rather by way of my own person. It is through relationships to members of the Body of Christ, the Community of Prayerful Love, that people should connect to God.

I am often guilty of believing and living differently, yet...

God provides access to himself not through a place, but rather through a people!

I have been stirred by Greg Ogden's Unfinished Business; we see church as the place where we go to be served by someone who is paid to service us, God sees the Church as the people who (by way of the indwelling Spirit) equip, exhort, and empower each other to serve and save the world.

At 4:58 PM, May 28, 2006, Blogger Marc A. Pitman, CFCC said...

What a great comment on the Unfinished Business!

I think those of us who are planting churches must be incredibly blessed to be able to shape many of these expectations!

At 8:47 AM, June 01, 2006, Blogger Rich said...

interesting 24/7 thing there...
is anyone up at 2:00am in Waterville?

At 11:10 AM, June 01, 2006, Blogger Marc A. Pitman, CFCC said...

Oh yeah...I'm in Maine...

It's hard to find a decent cup of coffee after 8 p.m.! (Unless you consider Dunkin' Donuts decent. *grin*)

Guess the 24 hour thing may have to be for a time in the future.


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