Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Give us today TOMORROW'S bread

In a the his most recent sermon (available here), Phil Strout mentioned something about "give us our daily bread" meaning "give us tomorrow's bread." I'd heard that so I decided to Google it. And the BBC's site was the first to come up!

You can see the full article here.

Here's the part that excited me:
"It probably means daily, it probably means the stuff we need to survive, but at least some people in the early church understood it to mean the bread we want for tomorrow or even the bread of tomorrow; 'give us today tomorrow's bread'.

And they've thought that might mean give us now a taste of the bread we shall eat in the Kingdom of God. Give us a foretaste of that great banquet and celebration where the universe is drawn together by Christ in the presence of God the Father."

Isn't that exciting! For millenia, many who've prayed the Lord's prayer have done so understanding they were asking to have tomorrow's bread today! That's so cool!

So we say, "Yes Lord, give us today a taste of the Kingdom!"


At 1:23 PM, November 17, 2005, Blogger Andii said...

I've been wondering whether there is a sense in which it might be thought of as,
"Give us today the bread that will sustain us as we take the next steps into tomorrow" For me the jury's still out on it but it may be worth thinking further about.
Might want to check out
for stuff on the Lord's prayer.

At 10:09 PM, November 18, 2005, Blogger Marc A. Pitman, CFCC said...

Thanks for the comment, Andii. It certainly is a versatile phrase. Reminds me of God's answer to Moses when he asked God's name. He supplies all we need and sustains us!

Thanks for the link too. Look forward to checking it out.


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