Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Blessed are the meek...

I just read Morphew's section on the beatitudes. He points out that Jesus' "blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth" is very much a reference to PS 37. Rabbis would regularly quote a few words knowing their audience would know the entire passage.

Click through to the link above and read Psalm 37 in light of Jesus' sermon. Wow! Meekness is not weakness. It's trust. The meek trust God will bring to pass what He's promised!

List of 100 things you love

While listening to an edition of HeadTrip Audio, Lyn Christian interviewed fellow Legacy Learning coach Wade Lindstrom. He shared a tool he uses with clients to help them reconnect to the joy in their life. He has them write out 100 things they love doing.

He says we usually have a list of 10 in our short-term memory. But we often have to dig and look into our past to get to 100. His clients find incredible freedom and get in touch with things that are incredibly meaningful to them but that have gotten lost over time.

I'm in the middle of doing this exercise. It's pretty incredible. I'm still amazed out how powerful simple tasks can be.

Give it a try and let me know about your experience:

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Magnet Goals work!

Have you checked out my Magnet Goals Program yet?

This simple process really works! I keep my Magnet Goals in front of me all the time but I decided to review my 100 goals last night. So many of them are coming to pass! What a rush it is to see things you wrote down six months ago are actually being accomplished!

If you don't have a clue what I'm talking about, you can sign up for the free "Magnet Goals Program" by sending a blank email to

Happy goal setting...and accomplishing!

Authenticating Moves of God

I'm really enjoying Bill Johnson's When Heaven Invades Earth!

Here's another tidbit: Bill says it's nice when theologians and Christian leaders support a revival. But to see if it's really of God, he looks to how the demonized respond.

Think about it. The Pharisees loved God. They were passionate about their seeking and living. And they (almost) completely missed God's move in the coming of Jesus. But the demonized got it. Those desperate for a touch of God got it. And got in the way of what He was doing. The sick sought His healing. The demonized were set free. The demons even knew who Jesus was and proclaimed it!

God help us from ever arriving. May we always keep a posture of desperation in our relationship to God.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

When Heaven Invades Earth: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles

A friend of mine lent me a copy of When Heaven Invades Earth: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles by Bill Johnson. What an amazing book! Bill's passion for Jesus is so real that it becomes normal. May it be that way for all of us!

One of the key thoughts he keeps repeating is that so little of the Church currently experiences God's power because we're playing it way to safe. When we settle into rituals and routines, as good as those can be, we create a way of life that can succeed with or without God.

I want to always be living in a way that requires God to be successful! Not that I'll be cocky or a fool, but that I'd always be willing to look like one in obedience to Him.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

BullMarket 2004

Did I mention I was included in Seth Godin's BullMarket 2004 as one of only 400 companies in the country that can significantly help your company excel? (I probably did, this is an incredible honor!)

BullMarket 2004
Posted by Hello

In but not of...

Having an understanding of "this present evil age and the age to come makes Jesus' words "be in the world but not of it" make so much more sense. [Help! I wasn't able to find a scripture reference for this! Could you let me know if Jesus even said it? *grin*]

We can be in "the world"--in this present evil age--but not of it because our citizenship is now of the age to come. We're walking examples of what God will do in the future. Like the mustard seed and the yeast, God's Kingdom is unseen but is at work in the world, working through the entire "loaf." We're the carriers of the Kingdom. We're the ones "infected with life"!

Let's get as many people infected as we can while we're here!! *grin*