God's Politics
America is an interesting place in the last few days before the big vote on November 2. Political ads get more personal. Political opponents more demonized.
I was thrilled to recently notice the bumper stickers on the cars at our church supported both Bush and Kerry. I was even more thrilled when I saw Sojourners God is not a Republican...or a Democrat stickers!
I need that reminder. I firmly believe American Christians should be involved in politics. It's a matter of stewarding the gift we've been given. But I'm amazed at my proclivity to assuming Jesus was a pro-life, limited taxes Republican. Nope. Wrong Jesus.
Our Jesus was so Kingdom oriented, that he didn't let politics sweep him away. He had the chances, remember? Check out John 6:15.
There's a lot to be said about withdrawing. That's in part why I voted a couple weeks ago. (We can do that in Maine.) I've made my decisions. I've exercised my "rights." Now I can sleep at night without watching the latest polls.
I'm pretty sure politics are just part of this present evil age. I'm glad people care enough to throw their lives into it. But I'm not looking for a political messiah...I already have an eternal king.