Thursday, June 30, 2005

Something like this

Sometime after our initial conversation, my wife showed my this eGreeting.

This is sorta what we were talking about. =)

For the entire flash animation, click here.

Wouldn't it be nice to know?

My wife and I were talking about the Homeland Security Advisory System with some friends.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a version for you home so you knew what you were about to walk into after work? If you saw orange, you knew you'd need to be a stronger support for your spouse. Red would mean drive around the block one more time to mentally prepare for coming in.

This in no way is meant to mock the real threats that this system is designed to alert us to.

But it would be nice, wouldn't it?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Story I Tell Every Week

Kingdom of God Napkin Sketch

As promised this is the story I tell in some form every week.

God created everything and it was very good.

Humans chose to disobey God. They sinned. In so doing, satan got the deed to creation. Sickness, disease, etc. came.

Everyone was expecting the cataclysmic end of it all. Judgement day. Armeggedon. A day when this present age radically ends and the Kingdom of God starts. The K of G is so radical, it's shown on a totally different plane.

But God pulled an incredible coup. In Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, the Kingdom of God broke through into this present evil age! No one saw this coming!

Now we're living "between the times." The Kingdom of God is continuing to break through; this present evil age is continuing to exist too.

That's the story of the Gospel. Heaven has broken through to our daily lives. We still experience the pain and isolation of the Fall but we also experience the joy and liberation of the Kingdom of God!

Isn't this a great story?!

Storytelling and the Kingdom

Check out this excellent synopsis of Seth Godin's new book: Brand Autopsy: LIES and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.

Click through and read it. Isn't this what we do in the church? We tell a story, God's story. Hopefully we're telling it in a way that changes what the congregants experience about Him.

I love the quote "Stories are shortcuts because we're too overwhelmed by data to discover all the details."

In another post, I'll share with you the story I tell my congregation, in some form, every week.